Tag Archives: Giants

Episode 24: Big Willie Mays Style

The greatest.

Episode 24: Big Willie Mays Style is out!

In the twenty-fourth episode, Thomas and Danny talk injuries, Mike Fontenot’s surprising hot streak, Tweety Vogelsong’s mortality, and some amazing pitching from around the league. Also, some age-related, patriotic trivia.

Check it out on iTunes, or on the RSS feed, or by clicking on the play button below. We look forward to your feedback, either by commenting here on the blog, emailing us at giantspod@gmail.com, or our Twitter feed.

Go Giants!

What’s Cooler Than Being Cool? (This Team is) ICE COLD!

I CAN’T HEAR YOU, I said, WHAT’S COOLER THAN … oh, never mind.

It’s a pretty helpless feeling, sitting at home, watching this team flail away at hittable pitches, booting balls, misreading easy plays, crushing the ball directly at the defense, making Ruben Rivera-style base running mistakes, wasting quality starts, and generally playing less like a championship team and more like the Twins.

Not the Minnesota Twins, mind you; the Little League team I played on when I was nine, when I got a total of three hits the whole year, won the “Coach’s Choice” trophy (everybody had to win a trophy), and my crowning achievement was striking out my friend (looking), the friend whose house I visited for several hours a day to play Curse of Monkey Island.

Sure, feeling like I’m single-handedly responsible for breaking my team’s slump may be putting a bit too much on myself, and may indicate just a weeee bit of pyschosis, but as you can see, we’re way past that. My hair is turning more dark-brown than black, my sentences are becoming more run-on, and my metaphors are making even less sense. WE NEED SOME WINS.

But let’s take a deeeeep breath, and examine what’s going on here.

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Episode 23: This Team Snow Good

Oh, childlike innocence.

Episode 23: This Team Snow Good is out!

In the twenty-third episode, Thomas and Danny chat with Britt and Maiya, the writers behind Snow Woulda Had It, about the stone-cold offense, the great pitching, their love of J.T. Snow, and what we could hope to see from the Giants young players filling in for injured starters.

Check it out on iTunes, or on the RSS feed, or by clicking on the play button below. We look forward to your feedback, either by commenting here on the blog, emailing us at giantspod@gmail.com, or our Twitter feed.
Go Giants!